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Spiritual Clearing

Spiritual Clearing

Spiritual Clearing is a form of energy work which identifies and addresses the root cause of an issue


If you have a recurring physical or emotional issue, it can be the result of stagnant or negative energy from a past disturbing or agonizing experience.


Think of this as a spiritual bath cleansing your mind, body, and spirit to remove impurities and what no longer serves you. 


A variety of shamanic energy techniques are used including

Soul Retrieval, sound, channeling, Extraction, cord cutting, crystals, meditation, decoupling, Illumination, fire ceremony, and mindfulness.


The techniques are derived from a combination of ancient indigenous shamanic methodologies and modern neuroscience. The methodology is customized for each client based on intuitive guidance.

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Soul Retrieval

Soul Retrieval

Soul Retrieval is a shamanic energy technique to retrieve a part of the soul which left or became stuck due to a disturbing or agonizing experience


The soul part escapes as a survival mechanism from feeling the fullness of the suffering. Initially, this was a form of protection but over time it can become detrimental.


Soul loss can manifest as unworthiness, nervousness, overly emotional, difficulty speaking up, lack of self-love, people pleasing, neediness, powerlessness, and purposelessness.


Soul Retrieval can help to gain self-esteem, confidence, joy, peace, courage, self-love, power, self-acceptance, and purpose. It can also release patterns of unhealthy thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and behaviors.


Once the root cause of the soul loss is discovered, the soul part is returned with a spiritual message, power animal, and energetic gift. The client tends to feel lighter and empowered. A bespoke aftercare program is provided to assist with reintegrating the soul part and preventing it from leaving again. 

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Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate
Our deepest fear is that we are
Powerful beyond measure
It is our
Light not our darkness that most frightens us

Marianne Williamson

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