Are Online Sessions As Effective As In-Person
Your mind's job is to keep you safe & it loves the familiar. When you go into an unfamiliar office, the mind feels uncomfortable & nervous. This impacts the client's ability to relax & access their subconscious thoughts during the session.
Sessions with me are intense. My purpose is to get you the best possible result. After the session, some clients report feeling emotional, tired & just want to go to sleep.
A big advantage of online sessions is being in the comfort of your own home & able to go to sleep right after.
All you need is an internet connection, to take time for yourself, & the desire to transform not just relieve pain.
What If I Think I Know The Reason For My Issue
What makes the techniques effective is that even if you think you know the reason for your issue, you see it in a new way as an adult. This is what allows you to change the meaning & your beliefs.
Many clients go back to scenes that are totally different than what they expected. Trust that your subconscious mind will show you exactly what you need to see to allow for your transformation.
What If I Have Painful Or Disturbing Scenes
During the sessions, if you go back to scenes from your life that are painful, disturbing or negative, remember you are not reliving the experience. You are just reviewing it.
I will support you & create a safe space for you to express your emotions & detach from the discomfort & pain of the original meaning.
Why Haven't Positive Affirmations Worked
Inside of you there is a child that believes something different about herself & her place in the world.
Most children have their beliefs programmed between 5-7 years old. They will continue to have the same beliefs until you tell them something different. But you can't tell them something different until you first understand what they understood.
My techniques provide clients with understanding, the power that allows you to create change & the affirmations to work!
What Is The Benefit Of Combining Techniques
All of the techniques I use are hybrid modalities & are underpinned by neuroscience.
Heal The Inner Glow™ is my proprietary method which combines the techniques with my natural intuitive ability, to create an Inner User's Manual for each client.
I can sense & feel where clients may need to be pushed & may not want to go because of fear. Client comfort is very important & I create a safe space to explore & release limiting beliefs & reset their mindset.
This tends to enable clients to go deeper than they have with other practitioners.
When Will I Start To See Changes
The transformation journey is unique to each client.
Transformation Types:
Immediate - Change occurs right away
​Incremental - Consistent changes over time
Retroactive - Looking back you see changes