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Forest Trees

Service Packages


The service offering consists of 3 packages


The selected package will depend upon the needs of the individual client. All packages are for one month of weekly sessions.


I've found both personally & with clients to get the most benefit from having weekly sessions for longer than one month. Some issues are more complex & take longer than others.


When we commit to transformation, we will notice that more is revealed as the layers of issues are peeled away during the process.

Woman With Inner Glow In Head

RTT® Package

1 hour assessment session

2 x 2 hour RTT® sessions

2 bespoke transformation audios

1.5 hour RTC® & NLP coaching session

Woman Havening

Havening® Package

1 hour assessment session

2 x 1-2 hour Havening® sessions

1.5 hour RTC® & NLP coaching session


Spiritual Clearing Package

1 hour assessment session

1-2 x 2 hour Soul Retrieval sessions*

0-1 x 2 hour Extraction session*

1.5 hour RTC® & NLP coaching session

*2nd Soul Retrieval may be done instead of Extraction

Service For Stuck Female
Gradient Background

Knowing Yourself
is the beginning of
All Wisdom


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