Have you experienced rejection, abandonment, humiliation, betrayal or injustice? Even one of these painful experiences can become an emotional wound.
The Wound Of Entrapment
An emotional wound is caused by a negative experience resulting in mental or physical pain. It is based in the past and triggered by an experience in the present.
By clinging to your wound, you become lost in the story of seemingly endless pain.
Have you looked in someone’s eyes who is angry? Their pupils become dilated, cortisol stress hormones rush through the body, and they are in survival mode, which is not a heart-centered place.
Being stuck in a wound is analogous to a computer going offline, where you are no longer connected to a powerful web with new ideas. Instead, you are entrapped in a spider web compounded by shame and regret.
The wound is solely connected to the ego and you give away your power to the person or situation when you are speaking from it.
Living Beyond The Wound
Perhaps it felt like your world collapsed when you hit a growth spurt, seemingly gaining 6 inches overnight. This resulted in relentless teasing and bullying for being taller than all of your classmates. 30 years later, you still play small to avoid standing out.

Do not let your wound define you and the outcome of your life.
You are not your wound. It may have profoundly changed you but there is still more to you than what happened to you.
I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become. Carl Jung
It is important to let go of identifying with the wounded state to be able to see yourself beyond the wound.
Speaking From Your Heart

Turn your wounds into wisdom. Oprah Winfrey
When speaking from your wound, you live in a state of constant inhale, holding your breath and waiting for someone or something to hurt you. This hyper-vigilance leads to constriction and overreaction, preventing observation and breathing in new life.
When you speak from your heart, you are able to exhale and make space to live in an expanded state.
Speaking from the wound means going unconscious and no longer aware or grounded in your being. Speaking from your heart is living in a state of higher consciousness.
Observe when you feel off, imbalanced, or anything that’s not a loving vibration. Scan your body and mind to discover any feelings, emotions, and underlying beliefs. With practice, you will become an astute observer and be able to shift to your heart.
The wound may feel deep but the heart is much deeper.
The Real You can only be found in your heart as the soul knows no pain and is connected to the heart.
Let your tongue speak what your heart thinks. Davy Crockett
Follow the beating path of your heart to speak from a place of love.
Are you ready to move beyond your wound👇