Do you feel lonely without much of a support system and crave belonging to a tribe?
Loneliness is a crowded room, full of open hearts turned to stone, all together all alone. Bryan Ferry
Events over the past few years changed us. By being forced into our homes, we lost connection and the normalcy of everyday living became a distant memory. We became isolated and lonely.
Isolation is having few social contacts and lacking interactions with others. Loneliness is feeling alone even if you're with others as the need for connection is not met.
You can be isolated and not feel lonely.
Conversely, you can feel lonely among a crowd of friends.
Socialization Is In Our DNA
Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty. Mother Theresa

Humans are social beings and when we are disconnected, this is a threat to survival dating back to prehistoric times and not belonging to a tribe.
Disconnection makes us feel invisible, insignificant, and that no one would care if we disappeared. Losing connection causes emotional pain, mistrust, changes our perception of the world, and health issues including depression, sadness, and cognitive decline.
Isolation can be unexpected due to loss of a partner, illness, lack of purpose, discrimination, social media, or judgement. The feeling can become virtually unbearable with a desperate need to be noticed and acknowledged. You feel empty and starved, craving the comfort of another person.
Nature is healing but hugging a tree cannot replace the need for human contact.
There is an increasing trend of loneliness and isolation due to poor social skills, electronic devices, food deliveries, streaming entertainment, and the cost of going out.
When we are disconnected and alone, we don't realize that instead of being different, we are really the same as everyone else. On some level, most people feel different and this is a common limiting belief precluding us from belonging.
In actuality, this becomes a shared experience if only we could tear down the walls of shame keeping us trapped within.
Rally Cry For Community
The need for connection and community is primal, as fundamental as the need for air, water, and food. Dean Ornish
The song One Is The Loneliest Number was not correct. Sometimes you need to be forced inside to discover who you really are. By taking the time to be still, your inner GPS becomes an empowering exploration. Listening to the wisdom within, you're able to identify how your gifts, natural talents, and desires could benefit society.
Out of this internal depth of wisdom, the rally cry for community is born.

When we belong to a community of like-minded beings, we feel seen, understood, and that we matter. We inhale the comfort of connection and exhale the discomfort of isolation and loneliness.
Our job becomes linking our hearts to mend the broken chain of humanity. We are no longer lost but found as we bond in a community of sisterhood. All are welcome in this judgment-free space where you can safely express yourself. You belong to this powerful tribe of supportive and compassionate souls making a difference in your family, community, and the world!
When you find your tribe, you raise your vibe, healing hearts and minds around the world.
Are you ready to find your tribe👇