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Let Go Of Resistance To Get Unstuck

Women heal by letting go & surrendering

Do you feel stuck in repeating patterns and unable to move forward?

Allow Mother Nature to demonstrate the law of impermanence as the changing of the seasons mirrors the journey of your life. The shift from fall to winter. Watching the leaves on the trees magically transform into an ever-changing dance of red, orange, and yellow. Transitioning into decaying brown leaves, clinging to the branches before letting go and tumbling to the ground.

We are reminded to look inside ourselves at the old beliefs and behaviors we're clinging to and how there is a wall of resistance.

Nature shows us the importance of letting go and the need to recharge in order to thrive. Observe where you're preventing your inner nature from letting go so you can blossom and grow.

Stuck In Stories Of The Past

Resistance is our mind attaching to the ways things have been in the past. They may no longer be true in the present.

Resistance keeps us in repeating patterns, the old story of struggle and pain.

Stuck in the past

What lies beneath resistance is fear of the unknown. It is more comfortable to stay with the pain which is familiar versus venturing into the uncertainty of the unfamiliar. By allowing ourselves to remain stuck regardless of the discomfort and pain, how can we expect to break free?

Persistence Is Not Always A Virtue

What we resist persists. Carl Jung

Our egos are clinging for survival by preventing us from letting go of the old story. We lean further into the pain. When you are in resistance, you are opposing the flow of life. You are trying to swim upstream, push a boulder uphill, or run back into the flames of the past. Ride the wave by surrendering to the flow of life.

Let go of what's holding you back and step into the flow of life, leading you to new possibilities. Far beyond what you had previously imagined. A life free from the emotional, mental, or physical pain of the past.

The opposite of resistance is surrender.

Surrendering Is Courageous Honesty

Surrendering is not an act of weakness as is depicted in movies or in what we're taught. Societal norms emphasize the importance of fighting at all costs. But what if it's costing your own freedom? Where you're living inauthentically based on what you've been told by the orators, the caretakers and those who have had the most significant influence on your development. In these scenarios, you tend to be fighting against your own internal desires and needs.

Beliefs are formed based on what you've been told and learned. You're unworthy, will never succeed, and need to settle on whatever scraps come your way.

Behaviors and unhealthy coping mechanisms develop as a way to feel safe, attract attention, or to punish yourself for being brainwashed into believing you are as bad as you've been told.

Take a moment to explore what you really feel. Ask yourself if this is true. Is this projection and how they really feel about themselves and not about you? People often are not seeing out of their own eyes. It may be that you are holding up a mirror to others and they are looking at their own reflection.

Yesterday is gone and its tale told. Today new seeds are growing. Rumi

Letting Go Is Surrendering

When you stop resisting what is happening and fighting against the current, you move into the flow of life. The twists and turns on the journey. How do you know what lies ahead or is even in front of you if you fixate on the past?

The amount of time it takes may feel frustrating and even disillusioning but do not give up. Evolution will take as long as is necessary for you to grow. It is a personal choice when you are ready to let go of resistance and venture forth into the discomfort of the unknown.

The trees that are slow to grow, bear the best fruit. Voltaire

Break free & heal by surrendering

Pain To Pleasure Spectrum

The pain to pleasure spectrum involves three stages:

Resistance 👉 Acceptance 👉 Surrender

We need to move from one stage to the next in order to transform. You are able to find a path forward when you accept what is happening and surrender.

In the first stage of resistance, begin the process by abandoning the need to control which is letting go of resistance. In the second stage of acceptance, you would acknowledge that the situation is out of your control. In the third and final stage, you are on your way to surrendering.

A good example of this would be the aging process. No amount of beauty treatments, lotions and potions, surgery, or medication can stop aging. By living a healthy lifestyle, the timing of certain aspects may be extended but not reversed. It is important to accept any physical changes. Surrender and redefine your natural beauty at any age.

There are far better things than the ones we leave behind. C.S. Lewis

Do not grasp tightly at what once was. What lies ahead is beyond your wildest imagination.

Dream big and dare to succeed!

Are you ready to Surrender and Soar👇

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